Infrared Gas Heater

Features and Benefits
Metal structure.
Low maintenance safety and reliable
Stainless steel surface
Washable with air pressure or water
Quick heat-up time
Return on investment in just a few numbers of heater
High energy efficiency: up to 30%-40% energy savings compared with conventional system
Lightweight easy to shift at any place
Outputs of 5 kW and 10 kW, together with the exclusive radiant surface design, are the ideal solution for use in large businesses (coverage of the entire surface area, with a simple distribution of the brooders) and also in small and medium-sized applications with highly demanding comfort requirements.
Typical applications in poultry farming for broiler, turkey, quail, partridge, etc. Also in the farming sector for the fattening stage.
Available with individual thermostatic regulation and the most extensive range of accessories for your installation, such as sectioning valves, gas filters, flexible connections, line regulators and filters for the air combustion.
Its exclusive patented system offers a linear modulation of 1:10, thanks to the double-injector system.
BP Series
Maximum inlet pressure: 300 mbar
Working pressure: 20 – 300 mbar
Type of gas: propane/natural gas
HP Series
Maximum inlet pressure: 1400 mbar
Working pressure: 20 – 1400 mbar
Type of gas: propane