Industrial Incubators PL & HD Series

Features and Benefits
High chick output
High uniformity
Low labor maintenance
Energy costs
Incubation of chicken, turkey, duck, quail, peacock, ostrich and goose eggs
Capacity from 4,800 to 115,200 eggs
Various options for incubation control, automation, and hatchery manage
We understand that your incubation system is the heart of your hatchery process. We design and engineer a range of incubation products that perfectly control the process with uniform airflow, temperature and humidity levels for an optimal, high-quality hatch. Our setters and hatchers offer the most advanced technology available with reduced maintenance expense throughout the life of the systems.
Our incubators consist of two product ranges PL & HD designed to maximize your profit over the whole life cycle of your hatchery.
The PL & HD series secures your future because it can easily handle increasing embryonic heat production of modern high yield birds. Moreover, it provides expansion capabilities for future options.
Models General Details
PL Setters & HD Hatchers
High grade insulated panels 50mm thickness
Stainless steel interiors
Low speed and noise air circulation fan
Uniform airflow and temperature
Automatic ventilation system
PLC (programmable logic control) system
Full electric protection
Digital sensor for temperature SH75 (Swiss Made)
Digital sensor for relative humidity SHT75 (Dry sensor)
Overheat sensor
Proximity switch door sensors
Fan speed sensor
Turning system sensor
CO2 sensor for automatic ventilation (optional)
LCD color touch screen user-friendly control display
Atomizing air and water spray nozzles with filters
Electric stainless steel heaters
Chilled water cooling coils
Cold air cooling valve
Pneumatic turning system
Stainless steel setter trolley can hold 16x2 egg tray loaded with 4800 hen eggs
Stainless steel hatcher trolley can hold 16x2 baskets loaded with 4800 hen eggs
Polyethylene egg trays with 150 egg capacity
Special grade basket with 13 cm height
Wide glass view on both doors
Red and green big LED indicator for incubator status
High DB siren for the alarm system
Data acquisition save the incubator readings on USB flash memory periodically
Optional internet connections for remote control
All interiors are washable